Connectors: Available Actions & Integrations


Adobe Analytics

Manage companies, report suites, metrics, dimensions and more within Adobe Analytics.

Adobe Marketo Engage

Manage Marketo records


Algolia is an advanced AI search platform.

Amazon SES

Send Emails through Amazon (AWS) SES

Arena PLM

Interact with items and resources in Arena PLM


Manage users, projects, and teams in your Asana workspace

AWS Lambda

List and invoke AWS Lambda functions


Manage Employees in BambooHR


Use the ClickUp component to manage users, projects, and teams in your ClickUp workspace.

Manage customers on the platform

Facebook Marketing

Interact with ads and adsets in your Facebook Marketing account.

Fluent Commerce

Manage orders within Fluent Commerce


Manage users, repositories, licenses, and more on GitHub


Manage Messages in Google's email service

Google Ads

Manage Google Ad campaigns

Google Analytics

Manage Google Analytics

Google Analytics - GA4

Manage Google Analytics GA4 accounts and data

Google Calendar

Manage calendars and events in Google Calendar

Google Cloud BigQuery

BigQuery is Google Cloud's fully managed, petabyte-scale, and cost-effective analytics data warehouse that lets you run analytics over vast amounts of data in near real time.

Google Shopping

The Google Content API for Shopping can be used to manage and automate Google Merchant Center account management.


Interact with the Greenhouse API


Manage payroll, benefits, and human resource within Gusto


Manage objects and associations in the Hubspot CRM platform


Interact with your IMAP email account


Manage companies, contacts and tags on the Intercom platform


Manage Jira issues, comments, projects and users


Interact with email campaign lists and e-commerce resources.

Microsoft Bing Ads

Manage Microsoft Bing Ad Customer Services

Microsoft Bot Framework

Manage conversational interactions across platforms using Microsoft Bot Framework

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Query, create, update or delete Microsoft Dynamics 365 API records

Microsoft Graph API

Interact with the Microsoft Graph API

Microsoft Outlook

Read and manage Microsoft Outlook calendars and email

Microsoft Power BI

Interact with and modify Power BI datasets

Microsoft Project

Make queries to reporting data from a Project Web App instance

Microsoft SharePoint

Interact with sites, drives, and items connected to your instance of Microsoft SharePoint.

Microsoft Teams

Manage the teams, groups, channels, and messages associated with your Microsoft Teams account


Manage boards, tasks and workflows within Monday.


Interact with an MQTT Queue


Manage NetSuite records

New Relic

Easily manage metrics, logs, and events


Manage Notion pages, databases, and users


Manage records in an Odoo database


Interact with OpenAI models, including Chat GPT and DALL·E


Manage leads, companies, activities, and more on the Pipedrive platform


The Postmark component is used as a developer friendly email delivery service


Interact with the Prismatic internal API


Create and manage customers and invoices within Intuit QuickBooks

QuickBooks Time

Manage Employee Time Tracking within Intuit QuickBooks Time


Rippling makes it easy to manage your company's Payroll, Benefits, HR, and IT—all in one, modern platform

Sage Accounting

Manage contacts and others connected to your Sage account.


Query, create, update or delete Salesforce records


SAP S/4HANA is a multi-faceted cloud based ERP solution. Use the S/4HANA component to manage records within the SAP database.


Send emails through SendGrid


Create records and incidents within ServiceNow


Manage customers, products, and orders in your Shopify platform


Send messages to Slack channels and users


Interact with the Smartsheet API


Send emails through an SMTP server


Manage objects connected to your Stripe platform


Manage projects and workbooks in your Tableau site


Send SMS messages through Twilio


Easily manage your customers, orders, and products in your WooCommerce platform


Manage invoices, items, accounts, payments and more objects from your Xero account.


Manage Tickets and users in Zendesk


Manage records, users, and more in your Zoho CRM and Books apps


Easily manage users, meetings, and webinars in your Zoom account

Data Platforms


Manage records, tables and bases in Airtable

Amazon DynamoDB

Create, update, fetch, or delete items in an Amazon (AWS) DynamoDB database

Amazon S3

Manage files within an Amazon (AWS) S3 bucket

Amazon SNS

Manage subscriptions, topics, and messages within Amazon (AWS) SNS

Amazon SQS

Send, receive and manage messages within an Amazon (AWS) SQS queue


Send and receive messages on an AMQP-based message broker

AWS Glue

Manage AWS Glue crawlers, jobs and triggers

Azure Blob Storage

Manage files and folders within Azure Blob Storage

Azure Files

Manage files and folders within Azure Files

Azure Service Bus

Interact with message queues and publish-subscribe topics (in a namespace)


Manage files stored in Box


Manage files stored in Dropbox


Create, read, update, and delete documents in a Firebase Cloud Firestore database collection.


Manage files and directories on an FTP server

Google Cloud Storage

Manage files in a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cloud Storage bucket

Google Drive

Manage files in Google Drive

Google Sheets

Create, read, and modify Google Spreadsheets


Publish messages to an Apache Kafka event stream

Microsoft Excel

Parse and build .xlsx files (spreadsheets)

Microsoft OneDrive

Interact with files and drives inside your Microsoft OneDrive tenant

Microsoft SQL Server

Query and manage data in a Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) Database


Interact with documents in a MongoDB database


Query and manage data in a MySQL Database


Query and manage data in a PostgreSQL database


Manage items in a Redis database


Read, write, move and delete files on an SFTP server


Snowflake is a cloud data platform. Use the Snowflake component to access and update data in a Snowflake Database.



Choose which step to execute next based on a condition or value


Branch on Expression: Choose which step to execute next based on a condition
Branch on Value: Choose which step to execute next based on a value.
Select Executed Step Result: Given a collection of step results, returns the results of whichever step was executed and returned a result.


Repeat a set of steps by iterating over items in a dataset or a fixed number of iterations


Loop Over Items: Loops over items, applies each step in sequence, and returns a new collection of the results. Items must be an Array or Object.
Loop N Times: Loops over the the steps in the loop N times, or until a loop break occurs.
Break Loop: Breaks out of the current Loop, causing execution to resume after the containing Loop.


Pause execution for a specific amount of time


Sleep: Sleep for a number of milliseconds before continuing the integration.

Stop Execution

Stop the execution of an instance


Stop Execution: Terminates the current execution


Change Data Format

Change data from one format to another


Deserialize JSON: Deserialize JSON data
Deserialize XML: Deserialize XML data
Deserialize YAML: Deserialize YAML data
Deserialize BINARY: Deserialize BINARY data
Deserialize CSV: Deserialize CSV data
JSON to XML: Convert JSON to XML
JSON to YAML: Convert JSON to YAML
JSON to CSV: Convert JSON to CSV
XML to JSON: Convert XML to JSON
XML to YAML: Convert XML to YAML
XML to CSV: Convert XML to CSV
YAML to JSON: Convert YAML to JSON
YAML to XML: Convert YAML to XML
YAML to CSV: Convert YAML to CSV
JavaScript Object to JSON: Convert JavaScript Object to JSON
JavaScript Object to XML: Convert JavaScript Object to XML
JavaScript Object to YAML: Convert JavaScript Object to YAML
JavaScript Object to CSV: Convert JavaScript Object to CSV
CSV to JSON: Convert CSV to JSON
CSV to XML: Convert CSV to XML
CSV to YAML: Convert CSV to YAML
Deserialize JSON Lines (.jsonl): Transform .jsonl data to a JavaScript array
Serialize JSON Lines (.jsonl): Serialize an array of JavaScript objects into .jsonl
Deserialize URL-encoded Form Data: Deserialize Form Data (x-www-form-urlencoded)
Serialize URL-encoded Form Data: Serialize Form Data (x-www-form-urlencoded)
Convert To Boolean: Convert a value to a number
Convert To Integer: Convert a value to an int
Convert To String: Convert a value to a string
Convert To Number: Convert a value to a number
Pretty Print: Format data to be more human-readable


Author and run your own code


Code Block: Author and run your own code
Code Block Trigger: Author and run your own code as a trigger

Collection Tools

Common collection operations


Concatenate: Concatenate two lists together into a single list
Object to Key Value Pair List: Convert an Object to a Key Value List
Create List: Create a new list with the given inputs
Flatten: Flatten an array of arrays into a single array
Create Object: Creates a new object from provided key/value pairs
Combine Collection: [Deprecated - use 'Create Object']
Field Value Mapping: Maps the values from two different collections and returns a key/value list where the 'key' is the value of the Key Mappings input and the 'value' is the value of the Value Mappings input
Process In Order: Ensures that payloads are processed in order across executions according to an ordering specified by a payload attribute. Returns the largest possible set of ordered payloads on the Process branch, and otherwise follows the Skip branch and returns the current item.
Take First: Take first number of elements from a list
Take Last: Take last number of elements from a list
First: Get first element from a list
Last: Get last element from a list
Count: Count the number of occurrences of element in list
Chunks: Chunk the list into lists of the specified number of elements
Length: Count the number of elements in list
De-duplicate: De-duplicate the elements of the list
Append: Append element to the end of the list
Remove: Remove all occurrences of an element from a list
Key Value Pair List to Object: Convert a Key Value list to an Object
Add Key/Value to Object: Add a value to an object with the given key
Aggregate: Apply aggregate function to list
Map: Transform a list and its elements
Filter: Filter elements of a list
Sort: Sort elements using a JavaScript comparison function


Build and parse CSV files to and from JavaScript arrays


Parse: Parse CSV data into an array of rows
Generate (deprecated): Generates a CSV file from an array of objects
Generate CSV From Array: Generates CSV data from an array of objects

Data Mapper

Map input values to output values using a specified mapping


Value Mapper: Map an input to an output using a map object
Value List Mapper: Map list of inputs to list of outputs using a map object


Get and adjust Date/Time values


Get Current Date/Time: Return the current Date/Time in UTC
Convert Date/Time To ISO String: Convert the given Date/Time to an ISO string
Convert Date/Time To Local ISO String: Convert the given Date/Time to an ISO string in local time using specified timezone
Adjust Date/Time: Add/Remove the specified seconds, minutes, hours, and days from the specified Date/Time
Format Date/Time: Change the format of a timestamp given a format string


Make GraphQL requests (queries and mutations) to a GraphQL-based API


GraphQL Request: Issue a generic GraphQL request


Compute hashes of strings using common hash functions


Compute Hash: Compute the hash of a string using a hash function
Compute HMAC Hash: Compute an HMAC hash given a message, secret and hash function
Compute BLAKE2b512 Hash: Compute the BLAKE2b512 hash of a string
Compute BLAKE2s256 Hash: Compute the BLAKE2s256 hash of a string
Compute MD4 Hash: Compute the MD4 hash of a string
Compute MD5 Hash: Compute the MD5 hash of a string
Compute MD5-SHA1 Hash: Compute the MD5-SHA1 hash of a string
Compute RIPEMD160 Hash: Compute the RIPEMD160 hash of a string
Compute SHA1 Hash: Compute the SHA1 hash of a string
Compute SHA224 Hash: Compute the SHA224 hash of a string
Compute SHA256 Hash: Compute the SHA256 hash of a string
Compute SHA3-224 Hash: Compute the SHA3-224 hash of a string
Compute SHA3-256 Hash: Compute the SHA3-256 hash of a string
Compute SHA3-384 Hash: Compute the SHA3-384 hash of a string
Compute SHA3-512 Hash: Compute the SHA3-512 hash of a string
Compute SHA384 Hash: Compute the SHA384 hash of a string
Compute SHA512 Hash: Compute the SHA512 hash of a string
Compute SHA512-224 Hash: Compute the SHA512-224 hash of a string
Compute SHA512-256 Hash: Compute the SHA512-256 hash of a string
Compute SM3 Hash: Compute the SM3 hash of a string
Compute whirlpool Hash: Compute the whirlpool hash of a string
HMAC Webhook Trigger: Validate a payload using an HMAC hash function

HTML Utils

Helpful HTML-related functions for building HTML documents and HTML-based emails.


Convert to Inline CSS: Convert an HTML document to use inline styles
Format HTML: Apply prettier to an HTML document
Strip HTML Tags: Remove all HTML tags from a string


Make HTTP requests to URLs such as REST APIs, Webhooks, etc


GET Request: Issue a HTTP GET request
POST Request: Issue a HTTP POST request
PUT request: Issue a HTTP PUT request
PATCH request: Issue a HTTP PATCH request
DELETE request: Issue a HTTP DELETE request
POST/PUT Form Data Request: POST/PUT data as multipart/form-data. Often useful for uploading binary data.


Transform data using the JSONata query and transformation language


Transform: Transform data using JSONata

JSON Forms

Create powerful custom forms for the configuration wizard


Generic JSON Form: Generate a form for the configuration wizard using JSON schema

Liquid Template

Transform data using a provided Liquid Template


Render Template: Receives provided json data and transforms it into a new format using a Liquid Template


Write out a log message


Write Log Message: Write a log message
Write Metric(s): Write metric(s) to an external log provider


Perform common math operations on numbers or lists of numbers


Evaluate Expression: Evaluate a mathematical expression (for example, "2 * 3 + 7")
Absolute Value: Returns the absolute value of the input number.
Arccosine: Returns the arccosine of the input number.
Hyperbolic Arccosine: Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of the input number.
Add Numbers: Returns the result of adding the numbers
Arcsine: Returns the arcsine of the input number.
Hyperbolic Arcsine: Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of a number.
Arctangent: Returns the arctangent of the input number.
Hyperbolic Arctangent: Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of the input number.
Cube Root: Returns the cube root of the input number.
Ceiling: Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the input number.
Cosine: Returns the cosine of the input number.
Hyperbolic Cosine: Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the input number.
Divide Numbers: Returns the result of dividing the numbers
e^x: Returns e^x, where x is the input number, and e is Euler's constant (2.718…, the base of the natural logarithm).
Floor: Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the input number.
Float-round: Returns the nearest single precision float representation of the input number.
Hypotenuse: Returns the square root of the sum of squares of an array of numbers.
Logarithm: Returns the logarithm of a given input base of an input number.
Maximum: Returns the largest of zero or more numbers.
Minimum: Returns the smallest of zero or more numbers.
Multiply Numbers: Returns the result of multiplying the numbers
Natural Log: Returns the natural logarithm (log e; also, ln) of the input number.
Power: Returns base x to the exponent power y (that is, x^y).
Random Number: Returns a pseudo-random number between min and max.
Random Integer: Returns a pseudo-random integer between min and max.
Round: Returns the value of the input number rounded to the nearest integer.
Sine: Returns the sine of the input number.
Hyperbolic Sine: Returns the hyperbolic sine of the input number.
Square Root: Returns the positive square root of the input number.
Subtract Numbers: Returns the result of subtracting the numbers
Tangent: Returns the tangent of the input number.
Hyperbolic Tangent: Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the input number.
Truncate Number: Returns the integer portion of the input number, removing any fractional digits.


Efficiently serialize or deserialize data into a JSON-like format


Encode: Encode an object into MessagePack
Decode: Decode a MessagePack message into an object


Search and extract data from PDF documents


Find Pattern: Searches the PDF document and returns a list of page numbers containing text that satisfies the search criteria.
Extract Page: Returns the specified page in the given PDF document as a new separate PDF document.
Page Numbers: Returns a sequence of page numbers for the specified PDF document, from 1 to the last page number.

Persist Data

Persist small amounts of data that will be available later in the execution or in subsequent executions of the Instance


Cross Flow - Add Value To Set: Add a value to the set with the specified key, creating the set as needed
Cross Flow - Append Value To List: Append a value to the list with the specified key, creating the list as needed
Cross Flow - Decrement Value: Decrement the stored integer value with the specified key by the specified amount
Cross Flow - Get Value: Get the value with the specified key, returning the specified default value if key not present
Cross Flow - Increment Value: Increment the stored integer value with the specified key by the specified amount
Cross Flow - List Keys: List all keys persisted at the cross-flow level
Cross Flow - Clear All State: Delete all cross-flow state stored for this instance
Cross Flow - Remove Value: Remove the value with the specified key
Cross Flow - Remove Value From List: Remove the value from the list with the specified key
Cross Flow - Remove Value From Set: Remove the value from the set with the specified key
Cross Flow - Save Current Time: Save the current time in UTC using the specified key
Cross Flow - Save Value: Save a value with the specified key for use at a later time
Execution - Add Value To Set: Add a value to the set with the specified key, creating the set as needed
Execution - Append Value To List: Append a value to the list with the specified key, creating the list as needed
Execution - Decrement Value: Decrement the stored integer value with the specified key by the specified amount
Execution - Get Value: Get the value with the specified key, returning the specified default value if key not present
Execution - Increment Value: Increment the stored integer value with the specified key by the specified amount
Execution - List Keys: List all keys persisted at the execution level
Execution - Clear All State: Delete all execution state
Execution - Remove Value: Remove the value with the specified key
Execution - Remove Value From List: Remove the value from the list with the specified key
Execution - Remove Value From Set: Remove the value from the set with the specified key
Execution - Save Current Time: Save the current time in UTC using the specified key
Execution - Save Value: Save a value with the specified key for use at a later time
Flow - Add Value To Set: Add a value to the set with the specified key, creating the set as needed
Flow - Append Value To List: Append a value to the list with the specified key, creating the list as needed
Flow - Decrement Value: Decrement the stored integer value with the specified key by the specified amount
Flow - Get Value: Get the value with the specified key, returning the specified default value if key not present
Flow - Increment Value: Increment the stored integer value with the specified key by the specified amount
Flow - List Keys: List all keys persisted at the flow level
Flow - Clear All State: Delete all flow state stored for this instance
Flow - Remove Value: Remove the value with the specified key
Flow - Remove Value From List: Remove the value from the list with the specified key
Flow - Remove Value From Set: Remove the value from the set with the specified key
Flow - Save Current Time: Save the current time in UTC using the specified key
Flow - Save Value: Save a value with the specified key for use at a later time
Integration - Add Value To Set: Add a value to the set with the specified key, creating the set as needed
Integration - Append Value To List: Append a value to the list with the specified key, creating the list as needed
Integration - Decrement Value: Decrement the stored integer value with the specified key by the specified amount
Integration - Get Value: Get the value with the specified key, returning the specified default value if key not present
Integration - Increment Value: Increment the stored integer value with the specified key by the specified amount
Integration - List Keys: List all keys persisted at the integration level
Integration - Clear All State: Delete all integration state stored for all instances of this integration
Integration - Remove Value: Remove the value with the specified key
Integration - Remove Value From List: Remove the value from the list with the specified key
Integration - Remove Value From Set: Remove the value from the set with the specified key
Integration - Save Current Time: Save the current time in UTC using the specified key
Integration - Save Value: Save a value with the specified key for use at a later time

Pretty Good Privacy

Create and translate encrypted messages


Encrypt Message: Encrypt a string message with a password or PGP public key
Decrypt Message: Decrypt a string message with a password or PGP private key and passphrase

Process Data

Process data sets


Deduplicate: Takes a sorted descending list of objects and a list of field names to use as identifiers and returns the list of objects that have not been previously processed

Result Placeholder

Generate a step output


Mock Result: Generate a step result of your choosing.


Interact with a SOAP-based API


Get WSDL Definition: Retrieves a WSDL Definition from a given endpoint and returns the raw XML
Request: Makes a request to the SOAP webservice using the specified method
Describe Client: Description of services, ports and methods as a JavaScript object
Get Authentication: Retrieve authentication data from a SOAP endpoint by calling the specified authentication method

Text Manipulation

Perform common operations on strings and arrays of strings


Join: Join strings together using an optional separator to form a single string.
Lower Case: Convert the input string to lower case
Match Regex: Match a string against a regular expression
Find & Replace: Find and replace all instances of one substring with another
Extract Substring: Extract a substring from a string
Split String: Split a string into a list of strings on a separator character
Remove Whitespace: Remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string
Upper Case: Convert the input string to UPPER CASE
Encode Base64: Convert the input string or file to base64 encoding
Decode Base64: Convert the input string from base64 encoding
HTML Encode: Convert input string to HTML-encoded equivalent
HTML Decode: Decode HTML-encoded input string
Split Lines: Split a block of text on newline characters (\n)


Generate UUIDs and GUIDs


Nil/Empty UUID: Return the nil / empty UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
Generate UUID: Generate a version 4 UUID / GUID


Provides utility methods for working with zip files


Unzip: Decompress a Zip file
Zip: Compress a Zip file
Decompress Gzip: Decompress Gzip file
Compress Gzip: Compress Gzip file


Management Triggers

Triggers that facilitate executing an Integration as part of a setup or management task


Instance Deploy: Executes a Flow when an Instance is deployed
Instance Remove: Executes a Flow when an Instance is removed
User Level Config Deploy: Executes a Flow when an User Level Config is deployed
User Level Config Remove: Executes a Flow when an User Level Config is removed

Schedule Triggers

Triggers that facilitate executing an Integration on a recurring schedule


Schedule: Executes an Integration on a recurring schedule

Webhook Triggers

Triggers that facilitate executing an Integration via a HTTP POST request to a URL


Webhook: Executes an integration via an HTTP Post request to a URL


Looking for a different connector?

If there is an API for it, we can Connect to it! Reach out to through our feedback form here and we'll get in touch with you on how we can enable it.