Document Sharing


Canopy OS can share documents for accounts. The documents can be added, viewed, and listed in both the Canopy OS front-end and API.

Programmatic usage

See the API reference for document upload

Example of an upload workflow with curl:


# Request to upload with a presigned URL 
response=$(curl --request GET \
     --url "https://${MY_CANOPY_DOMAIN}/accounts/${ACCOUNT_ID}/documents/upload_url?filename=${FILE}" \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}")

# Response body contains a presigned url 
echo "${response}"
# {"upload_url": "https://s3-presigned-url", "method": "PUT"}

# Take the url from the response
url=$(echo "${response}" | jq -r '.upload_url')

# Upload using HTTPS PUT and the URL from above
curl -v --request PUT --upload-file "${FILE}" "${url}"

Supported file types

Our supported file extensions are: .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .csv, .odf, .heic