Create a Customer Entity
Create and assign customers to accounts in Canopy, connecting customers, products, and accounts, allowing you to onboard new customers and provide them with credit solutions.
Creating your Customer Entity is the first step to borrower-onboarding.
To learn more about the purpose of the customer entity in Canopy, as well as how to reason about structuring your customer creation request, check out our Customer Fundamentals page. Typically, the information from your approval system is passed directly into this API request.
To get started, however, we recommend first getting familiar with simply creating a basic customer entity.
Learn More about Customers in Canopy
Configuration Guide
Create A Customer Entity
First, create a customer in the system via the API. Once a customer exists, an account or other customer entities can be associated with that entity.
Example: Create a New Customer Entity
Customers and Accounts in Canopy have a many-to-many relationship. So, for example, you could set up two customers with a joint account (two customers to one account), or you could have a single customer with an installment loan and a charge card (one customer with two accounts).
That's it! You're now ready to create an Account.
Next Steps
Create An Account
Once you've created your customer, you'll want to create an account and associate that account to your new customer.
In the Create Account API call, you will need to link the customer ID from the Create Customer API call. If you are using one of Canopyβs out-of-the-box front-ends, unlinked Customers and unlinked Accounts will not be visible in the UI.
Best Practices
When you create a customer, you can immediately assign the customer to an account. Customers only become meaningful agents once they are assigned to accounts.
Testing and Validation
You can use the Get all customers endpoint to validate the customers you have created. If you want to test a specific customer creation, use the Get a specific customer endpoint. This requires the customer_id
generated when creating the customer.
API Reference:
Updated 12 months ago