Downloadable Reports
Downloadable reports within CanopyOS provides a comprehensive snapshot of your lending portfolio, offering a holistic view of accounts and transactions within Canopy's system. The reports are designed to surface the critical business data required to manage a portfolio's health.
Report Information
The information presented within the reports are sourced directly from your DataDirect instance. The timeliness of the information you see reflects DataDirect's data refresh frequency, which is approximately one hour.
Portfolio Level Reports
The following reports are available in your Portfolio Analytics Dashboard within CanopyOS.
Transactions Report
The Transactions Report provides a comprehensive view of all financial transactions within an account. It includes key information around the transaction with some additional data about the account, product, and customer around the transaction. The breakdown enables thorough tracking and analysis of all account activities for financial management and auditing purposes.
Column | Definition |
Transaction Date | The date the transaction created |
Product ID | The API product identifier behind the account with the transaction |
Product Name | Name of the product |
Loan ID | Identifier of the loan the transaction is grouped under |
External Account ID | API Identifier of the account with the transaction. This is what is used in CanopyOS and the REST API |
Account ID | DataDirect identifier of the account with the transaction |
Customer ID | API identifier of the customer associated with the account |
Business Name | Name of the customer’s business |
Transaction ID | The API transaction identifier |
Transaction Amount | The dollar amount of the transaction. Payments have negative values. |
Transaction Type | The type of transaction |
Transaction Status | The line item status of the transaction |
Accounts Report
The Accounts Report provides a broader view of all account activity within the portfolio. It includes detailed account activity such as account balances, account status, interest accrued (income), fees assessed (income), etc. The report enables thorough daily tracking and analysis of all account activities for financial management and auditing purposes.
Column | Definition |
Date | The report date |
Product ID | The API product identifier of the account’s product |
Product Name | Name of the product |
Customer ID | API identifier of the customer associated with the account |
Business Name | Name of the customer’s business |
External Account ID | API Identifier of the account with the transaction. This is what is used in CanopyOS and the REST API |
Account ID | DataDirect identifier of the account with the transaction |
Account Status | The account status managed by the PUT /accounts/:account_id/status endpoint |
Account Sub-status | The subtype within the account status. This will be an empty for an “ACTIVE” status |
Account Balance | Current balance of the account |
Past Due | Total amount the account is past due |
Payments | Total cumulative PAYMENT transactions received as of the report date. This will always be non-positive. |
Principal Paid | The portion of payments applied towards principal. This will always be non-positive |
Interest Paid | The portion of payments applied towards interest. This will always be non-positive |
Fees Paid | The portion of payments applied towards fees. This will always be non-positive |
Payment Reversals | Total cumulative PAYMENT_REVERSAL transaction balances as of the report date. |
Principal Balance | Total outstanding principal balances as of the report date. |
Principal Reversals | The cumulative balance of Balance Splits applied towards principal balance types offset from the initial payment allocations as a result of a transaction being reversed. |
Accrued Interest | Total cumulative interest balances accrued on the account as of the report date. Does not include CREDIT_OFFSETs with interest allocations. |
Interest Reversals | The cumulative balance of Balance Splits applied towards interest balance types offset from the initial payment allocations as a result of a transaction being reversed. |
Adjusted Interest | Total cumulative interest balances accrued on the account as of the report date. Does not include CREDIT_OFFSETs with interest allocations. |
Assessed Origination Fees | Total cumulative ORIG_FEE transactions assessed as of the report date. |
Assessed Late Fees | Total cumulative LATE_FEE transactions assessed as of the report date. |
Assessed Recurring Fees | Total cumulative RECURRING_FEE transactions assessed as of the report date. |
Assessed Manual Fees | Total cumulative MANUAL_FEE transactions assessed as of the report date. |
Fee Reversals | The cumulative balance of Balance Splits applied towards fee balance types offset from the initial payment allocations as a result of a transaction being reversed. |
Credit Limit | Current credit limit of the account |
Available Credit | Available credit remaining |
Credit Offsets | The cumulative balance of all CREDIT_OFFSET transaction types, including sub types of CREDIT_OFFSET s. This will always be non-positive |
Debit Offsets | The cumulative balance of all DEBIT_OFFSET transaction types. This will always be non-positive |
Accounts Receivable Aging Report
The Accounts Receivable Aging Report provides a comprehensive view of outstanding loan receivables. This report allows lenders to track the status of their receivables, and assess the effectiveness of their credit policies and collection efforts.
Accounts with multiple past-due invoices have a record with information presented in the perspective of each past-due invoice in relation to the due date.
Here is an example containing an account with multiple past-due invoice annotated with additional explanations.

Column | Definition |
Date | Date the report was generated |
Customer ID | Name of the customer associated with the account |
External Account ID | API Identifier of the account. This is what is used in CanopyOS and the REST API. |
Account ID | DataDirect identifier of the account with the reversal. |
Statement ID | Identifier of statement with a due amount that has not been paid off |
Due Date | The due date prescribed from the statement |
Total Days Past Due | Amount of days since the due date |
Total Amount Past Due | The amount past due |
Current | Current outstanding balance. This is mutually exclusive of the amounts in a date-range delinquency bucket. |
[Date-Range Delinquency Bucket] | This is the portion of the amount past due that falls in the specific bucket. Amounts in each bucket are mutually exclusive of each other. |
[Date-Range Delinquency Buckets] can be configured to suit your program’s needs upon request.
To configure a bucket, please send a request to [email protected] with the following information provided for each bucket:
Label | Lower Inclusive Bound | Upper Inclusive Bound |
The label to be applied to the bucket. | The inclusive lower bound of the bucket boundary. This value must be greater than 0. | The inclusive upper bound of the bucket boundary. To specify a catch-all bucket, ‘infinity’ may be provided. |
Account Level Reports
The following reports are available within the account level detail views within CanopyOS.
Payment Reversals Report
The Payment Reversals Report provides a comprehensive view of all PAYMENT_REVERSAL
transactions within an account. It breaks down key information around the PAYMENT_REVERSAL
transaction to easily surface balance offsets and adjustments applied to the account as a result of the transaction taking place.
Column | Definition |
Transaction Date | The transaction date of reversal |
Product ID | The identifier of the account’s product |
Product Name | Name of the product |
Business Name | Name of the customer |
External Account ID | API Identifier of the account. This is what is used in CanopyOS and the REST API. |
Account ID | DataDirect identifier of the account with the reversal. |
Transaction Type | Indicates the type of reversal transaction |
Transaction ID | The transaction identifier of the reversal |
Original Payment Transaction ID | The transaction identifier of the payment the reversal was applied to |
Original Payment Date | The transaction date of the reversed payment |
Original Principal (Balance Split) | The offset of balance splits applied towards principal balances at the time of the payment reversal |
Original Fees (Balance Split) | The offset of balance splits applied towards fee balances at the time of the payment reversal |
Original Interest (Balance Split) | The offset of balance splits applied towards interest balances at the time of the payment reversal |
Total Interest Adjustments | The total amount of net new interest adjustments issued against the account as a result of the payment being reversed |
New Fee Adjustments | The total amount of net new fee adjustments issued against the account as a result of the payment being reversed |
Updated 4 months ago