Event Types
A comprehensive list of webhook event types in Canopy.
Default Webhook Events
The following webhook events are enabled by default and are automatically sent once a webhook URL is registered.
Sent for every newly created account.
- The
field contains the same response sent by performing a GET on/accounts/{account_id}
under theobject
Example Payload
"product_name":"Blue Cash Express",
"product_short_description":"Consumer credit card",
"product_long_description":"Student credit card.",
"recurring_fee_interval":"1 month",
"initial_delay_offset":"12 days",
"recurring_fee_label":"Quarterly Fee"
"first_cycle_interval":"11 days",
"late_fee_grace":"2 days"
"interest_accrual_interval":"1 day",
"merchant_name":"Acme Corporation",
"lender_name":"Globex Lending Corp"
"payout_entity_name":"Wonka Industries",
"key":"Umbrella Corporation",
"memo":"Conference Event Card"
"address_line_one":"12 Strawberry Road",
"address_line_two":"Suite 101",
"email":"[email protected]",
"business_legal_name":"Umbrella Corporation",
"address_line_one":"12 Strawberry Road",
"address_line_two":"Suite 101",
Sent any time an account is updated
- The
field contains the same response sent by performing a GET on/accounts/{account_id}
under theobject
attribute and an array of changes underchanges
. Each member of this array provides the name of the field that was changed as well as both the old and new value
Example Payload
"data": {
"changed_at": "2023-07-18T21:51:20.511Z",
"changes": [
"field_name": "account_overview.account_status",
"new_value": "SUSPENDED",
"previous_value": "ACTIVE"
"field_name": "account_overview.account_status_subtype",
"new_value": "BANKRUPTCY",
"previous_value": ""
"field_name": "min_pay_due_cents.statement_min_pay_cents",
"new_value": 13000,
"previous_value": 0
"field_name": "min_pay_due_cents.min_pay_cents",
"new_value": 3000,
"previous_value": 0
"field_name": "min_pay_due_cents.graced_due_date",
"new_value": "2053-02-27T00:00:00-08:00",
"previous_value": null
"field_name": "additional_min_pay_details.unpaid_min_pay_cents",
"new_value": 3000,
"previous_value": 0
"field_name": "additional_statement_min_pay_details.statement_min_pay_fees_cents",
"new_value": 3000,
"previous_value": 0
"field_name": "additional_statement_min_pay_details.statement_current_min_pay_cents",
"new_value": 13000,
"previous_value": 0
"field_name": "issuer_processor_details.lithic.account_token",
"new_value": "406101061835",
"previous_value": null
"field_name": "summary.total_balance_cents",
"new_value": 3000,
"previous_value": 0
"field_name": "summary.principal_cents",
"new_value": 3000,
"previous_value": 0
"field_name": "summary.total_paid_to_date_cents",
"new_value": -13000,
"previous_value": 0
"field_name": "summary.available_credit_cents",
"new_value": 497000,
"previous_value": 500000
"field_name": "summary.total_payoff_cents",
"new_value": 3000,
"previous_value": 0
"object": {
"account_id": "test-acct-SMS-HTTP-p",
"account_overview": {
"account_status": "SUSPENDED",
"account_status_subtype": "BANKRUPTCY",
"is_active_scra": false
"account_product": {
"post_promo_overview": {
"default_product_post_promo_interest_rate": 0,
"default_product_post_promo_len": null,
"post_promo_exclusive_end": null,
"post_promo_impl_interest_rate_percent": 0,
"post_promo_inclusive_start": "9999-12-31 11:59:59+00",
"post_promo_len": null
"product_duration_information": {
"promo_len": 99999,
"promo_purchase_window_len": null
"product_id": "can_74651",
"product_lifecycle": {
"annual_fee_impl_cents": 0,
"default_product_late_fee_cents": 0,
"default_product_payment_reversal_fee_cents": 0,
"is_origination_fee_amortized": false,
"is_origination_fee_lesser_value": false,
"late_fee_cap_percent": null,
"late_fee_impl_cents": 0,
"loan_end_date": null,
"monthly_fee_impl_cents": 0,
"origination_fee_impl_cents": 0,
"origination_fee_percent": 0,
"payment_reversal_fee_cap_percent": null,
"payment_reversal_fee_impl_cents": 0,
"recurring_fees": [
"initial_delay_offset": "3 days",
"is_fee_interval_floored": false,
"recurring_fee_amount_cents": 3000,
"recurring_fee_interval": "1 mon",
"recurring_fee_label": "every 1 month with 3 days delay"
"product_overview": {
"close_of_business_time": "23:59:59",
"product_color": "#0000FF",
"product_long_description": "Ness Well production charge card.",
"product_name": "Ness Charge Card Product",
"product_short_description": "NessChargeCard",
"product_time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"product_type": "REVOLVING"
"promo_overview": {
"default_product_promo_interest_rate": 0,
"default_product_promo_len": 99999,
"promo_exclusive_end": "9999-12-31 11:59:59+00",
"promo_impl_interest_rate_percent": 0,
"promo_inclusive_start": "2053-01-01T08:00:00-08:00",
"promo_len": 99999,
"promo_purchase_window_exclusive_end": null,
"promo_purchase_window_inclusive_start": "2053-01-01T08:00:00-08:00"
"additional_min_pay_details": {
"current_min_pay_cents": 0,
"min_pay_fees_cents": 0,
"unpaid_min_pay_cents": 3000
"additional_statement_min_pay_details": {
"previous_statement_min_pay_cents": 0,
"statement_current_min_pay_cents": 13000,
"statement_min_pay_am_deferred_interest_cents": 0,
"statement_min_pay_am_interest_cents": 0,
"statement_min_pay_charges_principal_cents": 0,
"statement_min_pay_deferred_cents": 0,
"statement_min_pay_fees_cents": 3000,
"statement_min_pay_interest_cents": 0,
"statement_min_pay_loans_principal_cents": 0,
"statement_payments_cents": 0,
"statement_unpaid_min_pay_cents": 0
"associated_entities": {},
"attributes": {},
"cards": null,
"created_at": "2023-06-27T14:02:48-07:00",
"customers": [
"address_city": "Atlanta",
"address_line_one": "12 Strawberry Road",
"address_line_two": "Suite 101",
"address_state": "GA",
"address_zip": "99999-1000",
"business_details": {
"business_ein": null,
"business_legal_name": null,
"doing_business_as": null
"customer_account_external_id": null,
"customer_account_role": "PRIMARY",
"customer_id": "can_74652",
"date_of_birth": "1990-06-20",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name_first": "Wilhelmine",
"name_last": "Rice",
"name_middle": "Austyn",
"name_prefix": "Mr.",
"name_suffix": "II",
"phone_number": "5555555555",
"ssn": "777777778"
"cycle_type": {
"first_cycle_interval": "1 mon",
"late_fee_grace": "00:00:00"
"discounts": {
"prepayment_discount_config": {
"loan_discount_at": null,
"loan_discount_cents": null
"effective_at": "2053-01-01T08:00:00-08:00",
"issuer_processor_details": {
"lithic": {
"account_token": "406101061835"
"min_pay_due_cents": {
"graced_due_date": "2053-02-27T00:00:00-08:00",
"min_pay_cents": 3000,
"min_pay_due_at": "2053-02-27T00:00:00-08:00",
"statement_min_pay_cents": 13000
"partner_entity": {},
"payment_processor_config": {
"ach": {
"canopy_nacha_config": null,
"dwolla_config": null,
"galileo_config": null,
"modern_treasury_config": null,
"payment_processor_name": "NONE",
"repay_config": null,
"stripe_config": null
"autopay_configs": {
"autopay_fixed_amount_cents": null,
"autopay_method": "MIN_PAY"
"autopay_enabled": false,
"credit_card": {
"checkout_config": null,
"payment_processor_name": "NONE"
"debit_card": {
"authorize_net_config": null,
"payment_processor_name": "NONE",
"repay_config": null
"default_payment_processor_method": "NONE"
"payout_entities": [],
"summary": {
"am_deferred_interest_balance_cents": 0,
"am_interest_balance_cents": 0,
"available_credit_cents": 497000,
"credit_limit_cents": 500000,
"deferred_interest_balance_cents": 0,
"fees_balance_cents": 0,
"initial_principal_cents": 0,
"interest_accrual_interval": "1 mon",
"interest_balance_cents": 0,
"interest_grace_method": "NONE",
"interest_rate_percent": 0,
"max_approved_credit_limit_cents": null,
"min_pay_applicable_credit_type": "ALL",
"open_to_buy_cents": null,
"pending_am_interest_balance_cents": 0,
"principal_cents": 3000,
"total_balance_cents": 3000,
"total_interest_paid_to_date_cents": 0,
"total_paid_to_date_cents": -13000,
"total_payoff_cents": 3000
"updated_at": "2023-07-18T14:51:20-07:00"
"object_type": "account"
"event": "account_update",
"hmac_signature": "R9pdytvWRMOwjiJ5S3rC+r5teh3kKfRJflCLL2Y0Nd4="
Sent for every newly created line item
- The
field contains the same response sent by performing a GET on/accounts/{account_id}/line_items/{line_item_id}
under theobject
Sent any time a line item is updated.
- The
field contains the same response sent by performing a GET on/accounts/{account_id}/line_items/{line_item_id}
under theobject
attribute and an array of changes underchanges
. Each member of this array provides the name of the field that was changed as well as both the old and new value
Example Payload
"description":"Refund for invalid purchase",
Sent when an account cycle ends and the statement data is generated.
- The
field contains the same response sent by performing a GET on/accounts/{account_id}/statements/{statement_id}
Sent for any change to the account's available credit balance
- The
field contains theaccount_id
of the account and also the date when this change occurred undereffective_as_of
Sent after a loan restructure has been executed.
Example Payload
"event": "loans_restructure",
"data": {
"account_id": "can_2",
"effective_at": "2024-01-12T00:00:00+00:00",
"line_item_id": "can_15",
"restructure_summary": {
"restructured_from": [
"restructured_from_at": "2024-01-12T00:00:00+00:00",
"restructured_from_payload": {
"notes": null,
"am_len": 12,
"description": null,
"effective_at": "2024-01-12T00:00:00+00:00",
"fee_policies": null,
"line_item_id": null,
"min_pay_type": null,
"external_fields": null,
"interest_policies": null,
"restructured_loans_ids": [
"hmac_signature": "J4RI1z0CjgiN9WxbH1ugcs/LevB9i433whmcN7MYB2U="
Sent after a payment has been reversed.
Example Payload
"event": "payment_reversed",
"data": {
"account_id": "can_3",
"effective_at": "2024-06-22T04:00:30Z",
"payment_reversal_line_item_id": "can_2921",
"reversal_original_amount_cents": -5000,
"reversed_payment_line_item_id": "can_2452",
"total_fee_adjustments_cents": 5000,
"total_interest_adjustments_cents": 0
"hmac_signature": "28a/lXrVK5P8E7OeT8OoqL6Q2yQmf7aCB+DbB08foYs="
Configurable Webhooks
The following webhook events are not enabled by default and must first be configured before being sent.
Each of the following event types can be subscribed to by calling making a PUT request to /accounts/{{account_id}}/notification_config
The body of the request should contain the following:
: the name of the event you want to subscribe to, as listed below.time_offset
: the time interval for when you want to receive the webhook notice - i.e. the hours/days/etc before or after the applicable trigger point for each.
"notification_type": "payment_due_date",
"time_offset": "-2 days"
This webhook can be configured to send a notice N days before or after a borrower's payment due date is approaching or has passed.
Configurable using a time offset. For example, if you want to receive a webhook notification 5 days prior to the due date, your time offset would be "-5 days".
The time offset is based on the due date of the statement
The time offset can range anywhere between the moment the statement was cut and the next statement's due date
Multiple time offsets can be provided and the webhook will always be sent at those scheduled times
Returns the following payload under
Example Payload
"account_id": the id of the account"customer_id" the id of the customer
"statement_id": the id of the statement that triggered this webhook
"min_pay_due_cents": the min pay, as seen on the statement itself
"min_pay_due_at": the date on which the min pay is due
"total_balance_cents": the total balance, as seen on the statement itself
"time_stamp": the time-stamp of when this webhook was sent
"delinquent_as_of_date": date of when account became delinquent, if applicable,
or 'Not delinquent' otherwise
"days_past_due": days since the min pay was due for this statement
"min_pay_cents" the min pay at the time the webhook was sent
"unpaid_min_pay_cents": the unpaid amount at the time the webhook was sent
This webhook can be configured to be sent any time the minimum due amount was not paid in full on time per the due date on the statement. If at any time the minimum due amount is met, the webhook will no longer be sent for that cycle.
Configurable using a time offset, such as "5 days".
The time offset is based on the due date plus grace period (if applicable) of the statement
- With no offset, the webhook will be fired once the payment's grace period has elapsed; with an offset the webhook will fire the payment's grace period has elapsed plus the configured offset
The time offset can range anywhere between the statement's due date and the following statement's due date
Multiple time offsets can be provided and the webhook will always be sent at those scheduled times
Will not be sent if the min pay has been covered
Returns the following payload under
"account_id": the id of the account"customer_id" the id of the customer
"statement_id": the id of the statement that triggered this webhook
"time_stamp": the time-stamp of when this webhook was sent
This webhook will be triggered based on the date in which the account status moved to delinquent.
Configurable using a time offset or periodic interval, such as "5 days" if you want to receive a notification 5 days after it has gone delinquent.
The time offset is based on the moment the account becomes delinquent
The time offset can not be a negative value
Multiple time offsets can be provided and the webhook will always be sent at those scheduled times
Will no longer be sent once an account is no longer delinquent
If configured with a periodic interval, time offset configurations will be ignored
Returns the following payload under
Example Payload
"data": {
"account_id": "can_100030",
"cure_amount": "3147",
"customer_id": "848",
"delinquent_as_of_date": "2023-01-30T13:23:00.487411-05:00",
"number_of_days_delinquent": 0,
"time_stamp": "2023-01-30T13:23:38.129534-05:00"
"event": "account_delinquency",
"hmac_signature": "dGIr5vD0KVYPLYcGsmld/wtfKym1+teUVZfVMmS+RQw="
Configuring payment_due_date
for two days before the due date
for two days before the due datePUT /accounts/{{account_id}}/notification_config
"notification_type": "payment_due_date",
"time_offset": "-2 days"
Configuring account_delinquency
to trigger daily
to trigger dailyPUT /accounts/{{account_id}}/notification_config
"notification_type": "account_delinquency",
"periodic_interval": "DAILY"
Updated 7 months ago